
Clarinet player, winner of several international competitions as soloist and chamber musician, Elena was born near Bologna. 

Passionate about chamber music, she has an intense concert activity with various ensembles. She has recently held concerts as chamber musician at the Sala Maffeiana of the Teatro Filarmonico in Verona, the Sale Apollinee of the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the Sala Esedra of the Theater Museum Alla Scala in Milan and internationally she performs regularly in Germany, Austria and France.

Among the various prizes won in international chamber music competitions there are the Third Prize at the Fischoff Competition 2020, U.S.A., the First Prize at the “e-Muse” international competition, Greece, the Second Prize at the “ENKOR” international competition, Germany. In 2018 she was among the finalists at the Brahms International Competition, Austria.

In 2022 she was invited to record a studio album for the German national radio Deutschlandfunk Kultur, released in September 2023 for the Haenssler Classic record label. Elena Veronesi is the clarinetist and founder member of the Quantum Clarinet Trio, together with the cellist Johannes Przygodda and the pianist Bokyung Kim. The Trio will be among the artists selected for the Gioventù Musicale d’Italia 2024 concert series.

As Soloist, she has received numerous international awards and prizes, including the Second Prize at the AudiMozart Competition! 2016. She performs with various chamber orchestras and collaborates regularly with the orchestra Amadeus Consort Salzburg. In 2022 she was selected to receive the artistic patronage offered by the Italian Association Musica con le Ali, which is committed to promoting the best young performers nationwide.

Complementary to her chamber music and solo activity, orchestra playing is an important part of her professional life. Frequently invited as Principal Clarinet at the Ingolstadt Chamber Orchestra in Germany and at the Salzburg Chamber Soloist in Austria, she has performed under the baton of famous conductors, including Juraj Valcuha, Hans Graf, Justus Frantz, Donato Renzetti and Daniel Oren, playing in wonderful concert halls and festivals such as Konzerthaus Berlin, Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Laeiszhalle in Hamburg, Jiangsu Grand Theater in Nanjing in China, Arena of Verona Opera Festival and Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. Among the orchestras and lyrical-symphonic foundations with which she has collaborated and collaborates are the orchestra of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, the orchestra of the Teatro Lirico of Cagliari, the orchestra of the Arena of Verona foundation, the Haydn orchestra of Bolzano and Trento, the Hulencourt Soloist Chamber Orchestra of Brussels, the Leonore Orchestra of Pistoia and the Philharmonie of the Nation of Hamburg.

Elena obtained her clarinet diploma at the Conservatory G.B. Martini in Bologna in 2009. She then continued her studies with Giovanni Riccucci and Calogero Palermo.

After completing her studies in Italy, she obtained her Master of Arts degree in 2016 at the Mozarteum University of Salzburg in the class of Alois Brandhofer with full marks and unanimous praise from the commission.

Finally, she attended the Post-Graduate course in the same University, which ended in 2018 with top marks in the class of Andreas Schablas.

In 2021 she was selected and participates as chamber musician in the prestigious European Chamber Music Academy (ECMA Pro).

Since 2021 she is clarinet professor at the Regional Music School of Upper Austria and gives masterclasses and seminars in Italy and abroad.