Sung & Veronesi Duo
The Hongkong pianist Peggy Sung and the Italian clarinetist Elena Veronesi started to play together in 2013 during their studies at the University Mozarteum of Salzburg, Austria.
Since then they constantly played together and performed with various ensemble as Viola Clarinet and Piano Trio and Clarinet, Cello and Piano Trio.
In 2018 they decided to deepen their passion for the duo repertoire and they reached the final round in the Brahms International Chamber Music Competition, Austria just a few months later.
In the past years they won together, the First Prize in the “eMuse” Music International Competition, Greece, Second Prize in the “Enkor” Chamber Music Competition, Germany, and Fourth Prize in the Plovdiv International Chamber Music Competition, Bulgaria.
They performed together in several countries such as Austria, France, Canada, Russia, Bulgaria, Italy and Germany.

Die in Hongkong geborene Pianistin Peggy Sung und die italienische Klarinettistin Elena Veronesi trafen sich 2013 während ihres Studiums an der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg und musizieren seitdem als Duo und Kammermusikpartnerrinen zusammen mit verschiedenen Instrumenten, u.a. Bratsche und Cello.
Sie sind Preisträgerinnen zahlreicher internationaler Kammermusikwettbewerbe, u.a. den Ersten Preis beim Internationalen Musikwettbewerb „eMuse“, Griechenland, den Zweiten Preis beim Kammermusikwettbewerb „Enkor“, Deutschland, den Vierten Preis beim Internationalen Kammermusikwettbewerb von Plovdiv, Bulgarien, Finalisten beim Internationaler Johannes Brahms Wettbewerb.
Zusammen sind sie in vielen Ländern sowie Frankreich, Kanada, Russland, Bulgarien, Italien und Deutschland aufgetreten.
Peggy Sung, pianista nata ad Hong Kong e Elena Veronesi hanno iniziato a suonare insieme nel 2013 durante gli anni di studio presso l’Università Mozarteum di Salisburgo, Austria.
Da allora hanno costantemente collaborato e tenuto concerti in varie formazioni come in trio con la viola e in trio con il violoncello.
Nel 2018 hanno deciso dedicarsi al repertorio per Duo Clarinetto-Pianoforte e solo pochi mesi dopo sono risultate finaliste presso il Brahms International Chamber Music Competition 2018, Austria.
Negli scorsi anni hanno vinto insieme il Primo Premio presso “eMuse” Music International Competition in Grecia, il Secondo Premio presso l’ “Enkor” Chamber Music Competition in Germania e il quarto premio presso Plovdiv International Chamber Music Competition in Bulgaria.
La loro attività concertistica le ha portate ad esibirsi in Austria, Francia, Canada, Russia, Bulgaria, Italia e Germania.